Academic Resources
Language Arts
BrainPop - Students can view different videos from all subject areas.
BrainPop Jr. - Students can view different videos from all subject areas. Videos for K-3rd Grade
BrainPop ELL - Web-based English language learning program comprised of short, animated movies as well as games, quizzes, and interactive features. It encompasses the four main language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
ABDO Books - Resource for online books.
Capstone Pebble Go (PK-3rd) - Resource for online articles and books for PreK to 3rd Grade.
Username: mcooper
Password: school
Capstone PebbleGo NEXT (3rd-5th) - Resource for online articles and books for 3rd to 5th grade.
Username: mcooper
Password: school
Storyline Online (PK-5) - Resource for read-aloud by different actors.
ABCYA! - A website with several different activities for students ranging from reading, math, science, and much more. PreKinder and higher.
Starfall (PK-3) - Starfall helps teach children to read. It includes language arts and mathematics for preschool, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, and third grade.
Time for Kids (K-6) - Time for Kids provides student articles for reading in multiple subject areas.
Scholastic (K-12) - Day to day projects and classroom magazines for students to enjoy.
RazKids - RazKids provides students access to books for reading. Please contact your teacher for
the username and password.
Poetry For Kids - Here you will find lots of funny poems for kids, classic children’s poems,
games, poetry lessons and activities, plus a rhyming dictionary, videos, author
visit information, and lots more.
BrainPop - Students can view different videos from all subject areas.
BrainPop Jr.- Students can view different videos from all subject areas. Videos for K-3rd Grade
BrainPop ELL - Web-based English language learning program comprised of short, animated movies as well as games, quizzes, and interactive features. It encompasses the four main language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Khan Academy - Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empowers learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom.
IXL - Gain fluency and confidence in math! IXL helps students master essential skills at their own pace through fun and interactive questions, built-in support, and motivating awards.
Xtra Math - Math activities for students to practice their mathematical skills.
ABCYA! - A website with several different activities for students ranging from reading, math, science, and much more. PreKinder and higher.
Prodigy - Prodigy provides a fun math practice for grades 1-8. Content adapts to each player. Please contact the teacher for username and password.
BrainPop - Students can view different videos from all subject areas.
Username: cooperelem2020
Password: cooper2020
BrainPop Jr. - Students can view different videos from all subject areas. Videos for K-3rd Grade
Username: cooperelem2020
Password: cooper2020
BrainPop ELL - Web-based English language learning program comprised of short, animated movies as well as games, quizzes, and interactive features. It encompasses the four main language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Username: cooperelem2020
Password: cooper2020
Generation Genius - Get instant access to hours of fun, standards-based videos, reading material, quiz games, simple DIY activities & more.
ABCYA! - A website with several different activities for students ranging from reading, math, science, and much more. PreKinder and higher.
Science for Kids - Learn more with our fun science experiments, cool facts, free games, activities, lesson plans, quizzes, videos, photos, and science fair project ideas.
Mystery Scienc - Learn more with our fun science experiments, cool facts, free games, activities, lesson plans, quizzes, videos, photos, and science fair project ideas.
FAME (Art, Music, Tech, Library)
BrainPop - Students can view different videos from all subject areas.
Username: cooperelem2020
Password: cooper2020
BrainPop Jr. - Students can view different videos from all subject areas.
Videos for K-3rd Grade
Username: cooperelem2020
Password: cooper2020
BrainPop ELL - Web-based English language learning program comprised of short, animated movies as well as games, quizzes, and interactive features. It encompasses the four main language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Username: cooperelem2020
Password: cooper2020
Drawing Now - Drawing tutorial site.
Art For Kids Hub - Art lessons for kids, including how to draw for kids, even painting and origami for kids.
ArtBar - Art ideas for the whole family.
12 Museums & Virtual Field Trips - Experience the best museums from London to Seoul in the comfort of your own home.
Incredibox - Incredibox is a music app for creating your own music with the help of a merry crew of beatboxers.
Dallas Symphony Orchestra Kids - Sample sounds and learn more about all of the instruments played by our Dallas Symphony Orchestra musicians.
The Music Show (Primary) - Learn the FUNNNdamentals of music with The Music Show starring Luigi's Baton and Mike the Microphone, with special guest Cadence the Drummer.
ABCYA! - A website with several different activities for students ranging from reading, math, science, and much more. PreKinder and higher.
Bilingual / En Español
BrainPop - Los estudiantes pueden ver diferentes videos de todas las materias.
Nombre de usuario: cooperelem2020
Contraseña: cooper2020
BrainPop Jr. - Los estudiantes pueden ver diferentes videos de todas las materias.
Videos para K-3er Grado
Nombre de usuario: cooperelem2020
Contraseña: cooper2020
BrainPop ELL - Programa de aprendizaje de inglés basado en la web compuesto por películas animadas, así como juegos, cuestionarios y funciones interactivas. Abarca las cuatro habilidades lingüísticas principales: escuchar, hablar, leer y escribir.
Nombre de usuario: cooperelem2020
Contraseña: cooper2020
Jugar y Aprender Español - Un sitio web que enseña a los estudiantes de PreK-Kinder letras, números, formas y más.
Capstone Pebble Go (PK-3ro) - Recurso para artículos y libros en línea.
Nombre de usuario: mcooper
Contraseña: escuela
ABCYA! - Un sitio web con varias actividades diferentes para estudiantes que van desde lectura, matemáticas, ciencias y mucho más. Para todos los grados.
12 Museums & Virtual Field Trips - Experimenta los mejores museos de Londres a Seúl en la comodidad de su hogar.